11 Wooden Interiors That Will Change Your Look on Bathroom

We often think of tiles when we think of bathrooms. It’s a functional practice that can also be beautiful but wood is almost always reserved for the kitchen and floors. Bathrooms are considered too moist for the wood but with a few considerations you can have both practicality and the luxury of wood.

Wooden Bathroom Design Ideas

Too much moisture is bad for wood. So it sure has to be properly treated to be used under wet conditions. Besides your bathroom ventilation should be on the level to let steam escape fast enough so that it wasn’t trapped for hours on end in the room ruining the wood.

Placing a real rug beside a bathtub will not only absorb more moisture but will also dorn the room making it look even more luxe.

Another thing you can do to save wood in your bathroom is to use it only where its contact with with water is minimal like in vanity and shelving.

Of course, a wooden shower and bathtub look much more impressive and resort-like than regular ones but these will definitely make you splurge.

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