6 Play Zones for Children

Children play everywhere, and their imagination knows no boundaries. The task of parents is to organize space for the realization of these fantasies using discreet and unusual borders. Today we’ll show you how to create a comfortable home environment for children and do not turn the apartment into a big kid’s room.

6 Places for Children to Play in Home Interior

Under the canopy

Under the canopy

Many parents believe that girls need pink flower garlands on the bed, and boys need a sleeper looking like a car. But sometimes it is enough to have only one detail, vivid accent: for example, textiles will easily turn the most ordinary recreation area into the country of dreams and fairy magic solitude.


An adult thinks that the space for any activity, including playing, has to be “massive”. In the view of the child’s imagination, he can use almost everything that meets the eye to transfer to the world the wonders. Wallpapers can turn any room into a design project, which is interesting for parents, and an endless game, which is interesting for a child.

Shelving system used as partition

What if your kid needs privacy? Ideas with textiles and paper are only good for active and sociable children. The child who loves quiet games, needs a private space, most closed from the interference of other people. Sometimes it is necessary to make a partition, zoning the space of the common room.

Unusual furniture

The lack of extra square feet can lead to the fact that you finally get upset, understanding a simple truth: the child does not have a place to dream up. Psychologists recommend to let “enough of childhood” and you seemed to ignore these recommendations. Make a bit of creativity in the interior of each room using unusual furniture and accessories for the home: they can turn the simplest daily activities in a fun game.


Think of yourself at the age of five. Agree, there is no more interesting games than the transformation of the table with the help of blankets in a cozy house. Try to find the place in your apartment that attracts the child as a magnet. For example, a normal windowsill can be a site for activism, and a seating area.


If you understand that there is no enough space in the apartment, you should find an opportunity to make a kids room “away from home”. How? Turn your balcony or a loggia in the artist’s studio or rehearsal room for the little musician.

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