Bathroom Design Ideas: Half Wall

A joined bathroom can be as comfortable as it can be inconvenient but there is always a solution to any problem. And for joined bathrooms it’s a half wall. Now if you’re not a fan of half walls there are quite a few ways to make them both more appealing and functional.

Bathroom Half Wall Design Ideas

A half wall can give you a much needed privacy in a joined bathroom. But it can also be a multifunctional thing. A half wall can be used for hanging towels, storing toilet paper, and other toiletries while also giving a glass shower stall a bit of privacy.

When building a half wall many house owners go for a homogenized look i.e. covering the half wall with same tiles as the shower. This works with the built in shower stalls but if you want a half wall for your toilet you can choose a contrasting material to make it more interesting. But you can also make a half wall a part of your vanity and imitate the furniture material to blend it into the interior.

To give your toilet nook even more privacy putting some decorations or accessories on top of the wall will visually obstruct the view.

Half wall is just as a regular wall so you can easily build a few niches in it if you want more storage space. Niches are also great simply for good old decor.

If you don’t want a half wall to stand out make sure to blend it into the design. Make it a part of your bathroom vanity or make it the same color as the area it fences.

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