Kid’s Room Layout Ideas

Layout is essential to kid’s room as the room has to have all the necessary areas and zones for the kids. Shared kid’s rooms also need careful planning and arrangement to provide both or all the kids with some private space and a neutral area.

Creating Kid’s Room Layout

Kid’s room layout


What can be better than natural light? Place a desk next to a window to provide kid’s that are in school with plenty of natural light for doing their homework and saving their eyesight.

Divide Sleep Play Areas

It’s important for kids to get good night sleep but it’s equally important for them to have a room to play. So if you don’t have a separate playroom you can divide the kid’s room into a sleep and play areas. Be sure to keep them somewhat separate with an open bookcase or a screen.

Use Bookcases As Dividers

A kid’s room requires multiple areas for different activities so using bookcases or other such items can be useful for creating those areas. In a shared kid’s room this divider is all the more important.


Use conrners, space under the bed and all other spare areas for storage in order to maximize play area and free space in the room.

Built-In Furniture

In many modern kid’s rooms built-in furniture dictates the room’s layout. A bed and a desk can be conjoined or a bed can be built into the system of wardrobe, desk and bookshelves. In case you want a fixed layout and furniture arrangement such built-in furniture system can be both space-saving and convenient.

If you want to create your own kid’s room layout think practicality and function. Also make sure there are convenient and obstacle-free pathways around the room.

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  1. Renee Says:

    I love your sense of design.